Publications *denotes undergraduate mentee
Peer-Reviewed Papers (contact me for PDFs if you don't have access through the links below)
12. Balk, M.A. et al. (19 of 35 coauthors). A solution to the challenges of interdisciplinary aggregation and use of specimen-level trait data. In Press at iScience. DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.105101.
11. Kohli, B.A., R.J. Miyajima* and M.A. Jarzyna. 2022. Elevational diversity patterns of rodents differ between wet and arid mountains. Global Ecology and Biogeography 31: 1726-1740. DOI: 10.1111/geb.13552.
10. Kays R., M. Lasky, M.L. Allen, R. Dowler, M.T.R. Hawkins, A.G. Hope, B.A. Kohli, V.L. Mathis, B. McLean, L.E. Olson, C.W. Thompson, D. Thornton, J. Widness & M.V. Cove. 2022. Which mammals can be identified from camera traps and crowdsourced photographs? Journal of Mammalogy 103: 767-775. [Editor’s Choice]. DOI: 10.1093/jmammal/gyac021.
9. Kohli, B.A., R.D. Stevens, E.A. Rickart and R.J. Rowe. (2021). Mammals on mountainsides revisited: trait-based tests of assembly reveal the importance of abiotic filters. Journal of Biogeography 48:1606-1621. DOI: 10.1111/jbi.14099.
8. Kohli, B.A. and M.A. Jarzyna. (2021). Pitfalls of ignoring trait resolution when drawing conclusions about ecological processes. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30(5): 1139-1152. DOI: 10.1111/geb.13275.
7. Colella, J.P., R.B. Stephens, M.L. Campbell, B.A. Kohli, D.J. Parsons and B.S. McLean. (2021). The Open-Specimen Movement. BioScience 71(4):405-414. DOI:10.1093/biosci/biaa146.
6. Kohli, B.A., D.A. Charlet, and R.J. Rowe. (2019). Small mammal communities in Nevada’s Swamp Cedar woodlands, a globally unique and imperiled habitat. [Issue Cover]. The Southwestern Naturalist 64(1): 1:7. DOI: 10.1894/0038-4909-64-1-1.
5. Kohli, B.A. and R.J. Rowe. (2019). Beyond guilds: The promise of continuous traits for mammalian functional diversity. [Editor's Choice]. Journal of Mammalogy 100: 285–298. DOI: 10.1093/jmammal/gyz054.
4. Kohli, B.A., R.C. Terry and R.J. Rowe. (2018). A trait-based framework for discerning drivers of species co-occurrence across heterogeneous landscapes. [Editor's Choice]. Ecography 41: 1921-1933. DOI: 10.1111/ecog.03747.
3. White, M.M., B.A. Kohli, and P.E. Converse. (2018). Historical and contemporary gene flow and the genetic structure of muskellunge in the Ohio River drainage. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147: 1067-1077. DOI: 10.1002/tafs.10101.
2. Kohli, B.A., V.B. Fedorov, E. Waltari and J.A. Cook. (2015). Phylogeography of a Holarctic rodent (Myodes rutilus): testing high-latitude biogeographical hypotheses and the dynamics of range shifts. Journal of Biogeography 42: 377–389. DOI: 10.1111/jbi.12433
1. Kohli, B.A., K.A. Speer*, C.W. Kilpatrick, N. Batsaikhan, D. Damdinbazar, and J.A. Cook. (2014). Multilocus systematics and non-punctuated evolution of Holarctic Myodini (Rodentia: Arvicolinae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 76: 18-29. DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2014.02.019
Matocq, M.D., R.J. Rowe and B.A. Kohli. (2017). Monitoring Small Mammal Communities in Nevada: Elevational Transects as Indicators of Biotic Response to Environmental Change. Report submitted to the Nevada Department of Wildlife. December 2017.
12. Balk, M.A. et al. (19 of 35 coauthors). A solution to the challenges of interdisciplinary aggregation and use of specimen-level trait data. In Press at iScience. DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.105101.
11. Kohli, B.A., R.J. Miyajima* and M.A. Jarzyna. 2022. Elevational diversity patterns of rodents differ between wet and arid mountains. Global Ecology and Biogeography 31: 1726-1740. DOI: 10.1111/geb.13552.
10. Kays R., M. Lasky, M.L. Allen, R. Dowler, M.T.R. Hawkins, A.G. Hope, B.A. Kohli, V.L. Mathis, B. McLean, L.E. Olson, C.W. Thompson, D. Thornton, J. Widness & M.V. Cove. 2022. Which mammals can be identified from camera traps and crowdsourced photographs? Journal of Mammalogy 103: 767-775. [Editor’s Choice]. DOI: 10.1093/jmammal/gyac021.
9. Kohli, B.A., R.D. Stevens, E.A. Rickart and R.J. Rowe. (2021). Mammals on mountainsides revisited: trait-based tests of assembly reveal the importance of abiotic filters. Journal of Biogeography 48:1606-1621. DOI: 10.1111/jbi.14099.
8. Kohli, B.A. and M.A. Jarzyna. (2021). Pitfalls of ignoring trait resolution when drawing conclusions about ecological processes. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30(5): 1139-1152. DOI: 10.1111/geb.13275.
7. Colella, J.P., R.B. Stephens, M.L. Campbell, B.A. Kohli, D.J. Parsons and B.S. McLean. (2021). The Open-Specimen Movement. BioScience 71(4):405-414. DOI:10.1093/biosci/biaa146.
6. Kohli, B.A., D.A. Charlet, and R.J. Rowe. (2019). Small mammal communities in Nevada’s Swamp Cedar woodlands, a globally unique and imperiled habitat. [Issue Cover]. The Southwestern Naturalist 64(1): 1:7. DOI: 10.1894/0038-4909-64-1-1.
5. Kohli, B.A. and R.J. Rowe. (2019). Beyond guilds: The promise of continuous traits for mammalian functional diversity. [Editor's Choice]. Journal of Mammalogy 100: 285–298. DOI: 10.1093/jmammal/gyz054.
4. Kohli, B.A., R.C. Terry and R.J. Rowe. (2018). A trait-based framework for discerning drivers of species co-occurrence across heterogeneous landscapes. [Editor's Choice]. Ecography 41: 1921-1933. DOI: 10.1111/ecog.03747.
3. White, M.M., B.A. Kohli, and P.E. Converse. (2018). Historical and contemporary gene flow and the genetic structure of muskellunge in the Ohio River drainage. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147: 1067-1077. DOI: 10.1002/tafs.10101.
2. Kohli, B.A., V.B. Fedorov, E. Waltari and J.A. Cook. (2015). Phylogeography of a Holarctic rodent (Myodes rutilus): testing high-latitude biogeographical hypotheses and the dynamics of range shifts. Journal of Biogeography 42: 377–389. DOI: 10.1111/jbi.12433
1. Kohli, B.A., K.A. Speer*, C.W. Kilpatrick, N. Batsaikhan, D. Damdinbazar, and J.A. Cook. (2014). Multilocus systematics and non-punctuated evolution of Holarctic Myodini (Rodentia: Arvicolinae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 76: 18-29. DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2014.02.019
Matocq, M.D., R.J. Rowe and B.A. Kohli. (2017). Monitoring Small Mammal Communities in Nevada: Elevational Transects as Indicators of Biotic Response to Environmental Change. Report submitted to the Nevada Department of Wildlife. December 2017.
Presentations *denotes undergraduate mentee
Kohli, B.A. Aridity effects on rodent elevational diversity patterns: Implications for global change. June 2022. Invited Symposium Speaker, “Mammal Diversity in Dynamic Landscapes”. American Society of Mammalogists Annual Meeting. Tucson, Arizona.
Kohli, B.A., R.J. Miyajima* and M.A. Jarzyna. June 2022. Aridity emerges as the main factor driving variation in rodent diversity across 49 elevational gradients. Virtual Live Talk. International Biogeography Society Hybrid Meeting, Vancouver, Canada.
Kohli, B.A. and M.A. Jarzyna. August 2021. Improving trait data resolution to realize the promise of the functional trait revolution. Ecological Society of America, Virtual. (Invited Symposium talk).
Kohli, B.A., R.J. Miyajima* and M.A. Jarzyna. June 2021. Worldwide patterns of rodent functional and phylogenetic diversity on elevational gradients. American Society of Mammalogists, Virtual. (Talk).
Kohli, B.A. September 2020. Trait-based mammalian community dynamics: from local changes to large-scale patterns. Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Kohli, B.A. June 2019. Mammals on mountainsides revisited: functional diversity gradients and change in Great Basin small mammal communities. American Society of Mammalogists, Washington, D.C. (ASM Fellowship Award Talk).
Kohli, B.A., D.A. Charlet, and R.J. Rowe. April 2019. Small mammal communities in Nevada’s swamp cedar woodlands, a globally unique and imperiled habitat. UNH Graduate Research Conference (Poster).
Kohli, B.A., R.C. Terry and R.J. Rowe. August 2018. A trait-based framework for discerning drivers of species co-occurrence across heterogeneous landscapes. Ecological Society of America, New Orleans, Louisiana (Talk).
Kohli, B.A. and R.J. Rowe. June 2018. Towards improved functional trait information for small mammals. American Society of Mammalogists, Manhattan, Kansas (Talk).
Kohli, B.A., D.A. Charlet, and R.J. Rowe. June 2018. Small mammal communities in Nevada’s swamp cedar woodlands, a globally unique and imperiled habitat. American Society of Mammalogists, Manhattan, Kansas (Poster).
Kohli, B.A. February 2018. Integrating ecomorphological traits into small mammal functional diversity analyses. UNH NREN Department Seminar (Talk).
Kohli, B.A. April 2017. Does functional similarity influence small mammal co-occurrence in Great Basin communities? UNH Graduate Research Conference (Talk).
Guptill, J.L.*, B.A. Kohli and R.J. Rowe. April 2017. Testing the utility of cranial morphology in refining diet group classifications of rodents. UNH Undergraduate Research Conference (Poster).
Kohli, B.A. March 2017. Determining mechanisms of small mammal co-occurrence on mountainsides. UNH NREN Department Seminar (Talk).
Kohli, B.A., E.A. Rickart, and R.J. Rowe. January 2017. Small mammal community assembly along elevational gradients: insights from a functional perspective on co-occurrence patterns. International Biogeography Society, Tucson, Arizona (Talk).
Kohli, B.A., E.A. Rickart, and R.J. Rowe. June 2016. Temporal patterns of species co-occurrence along a climate and habitat gradient. American Society of Mammalogists, Minneapolis, Minnesota (Talk).
Rapier, B.C., J.L. Malaney, B.A. Kohli, M.A. Hobbs, L.P. Smith, and M.D. Matocq. June 2016. New records and two possible local extinctions from a sky island in the Great Basin. American Society of Mammalogists, Minneapolis, Minnesota (Poster).
Kohli, B.A. June 2013. Phylogeography of a Holarctic rodent (Myodes rutilus): Testing high-latitude biogeographic hypotheses and the dynamics of range shifts. American Society of Mammalogists, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Annie M. Alexander Award Talk).
Kohli, B.A., V.B. Fedorov, and J.A. Cook. July 2012. Range-wide phylogeography of a Holarctic mammal: Testing high-latitude biogeographic hypotheses. First Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (Poster).
Kohli, B.A., V. B. Fedorov, and J.A. Cook. June 2012. A novel biogeographic pattern for a Holarctic mammal revealed by the range-wide phylogeography of Clethrionomys rutilus. American Society of Mammalogists, Reno, Nevada (Talk).
Speer, K.A.*, B.A. Kohli, N. Batsaikhan, D. Damdinbaza, and J.A. Cook. June 2012. Clarifying the diversity of montane voles (Genus: Alticola) in Mongolia. American Society of Mammalogists, Reno, Nevada (Poster).
Kohli, B.A. April 2012. Divide and conquer: How red-backed voles came to rule the North. UNM Biology Department Seminar (Talk).
Speer, K.A.*, B.A. Kohli, and J.A. Cook. March 2012. Clarifying the diversity of montane voles (Genus: Alticola) in Mongolia. UNM Biology Department Research Day. (Poster).
Kohli, B.A. May 2010. Stock structure of hatchery and native muskellunge. Ohio University Student Research Expo (Poster).
Kohli, B.A. and M.W. White. February 2010. Stock structure of hatchery and native muskellunge. Ohio Fish and Wildlife Conference, Columbus, Ohio (Poster).
Kohli, B.A. July 2009. Should I stay or should I go?: Factors that influence anadromy versus residency in central California coastal salmonids. NOAA Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship Program symposium, NMFS Division (Talk).
Kohli, B.A., R.J. Miyajima* and M.A. Jarzyna. June 2022. Aridity emerges as the main factor driving variation in rodent diversity across 49 elevational gradients. Virtual Live Talk. International Biogeography Society Hybrid Meeting, Vancouver, Canada.
Kohli, B.A. and M.A. Jarzyna. August 2021. Improving trait data resolution to realize the promise of the functional trait revolution. Ecological Society of America, Virtual. (Invited Symposium talk).
Kohli, B.A., R.J. Miyajima* and M.A. Jarzyna. June 2021. Worldwide patterns of rodent functional and phylogenetic diversity on elevational gradients. American Society of Mammalogists, Virtual. (Talk).
Kohli, B.A. September 2020. Trait-based mammalian community dynamics: from local changes to large-scale patterns. Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Kohli, B.A. June 2019. Mammals on mountainsides revisited: functional diversity gradients and change in Great Basin small mammal communities. American Society of Mammalogists, Washington, D.C. (ASM Fellowship Award Talk).
Kohli, B.A., D.A. Charlet, and R.J. Rowe. April 2019. Small mammal communities in Nevada’s swamp cedar woodlands, a globally unique and imperiled habitat. UNH Graduate Research Conference (Poster).
Kohli, B.A., R.C. Terry and R.J. Rowe. August 2018. A trait-based framework for discerning drivers of species co-occurrence across heterogeneous landscapes. Ecological Society of America, New Orleans, Louisiana (Talk).
Kohli, B.A. and R.J. Rowe. June 2018. Towards improved functional trait information for small mammals. American Society of Mammalogists, Manhattan, Kansas (Talk).
Kohli, B.A., D.A. Charlet, and R.J. Rowe. June 2018. Small mammal communities in Nevada’s swamp cedar woodlands, a globally unique and imperiled habitat. American Society of Mammalogists, Manhattan, Kansas (Poster).
Kohli, B.A. February 2018. Integrating ecomorphological traits into small mammal functional diversity analyses. UNH NREN Department Seminar (Talk).
Kohli, B.A. April 2017. Does functional similarity influence small mammal co-occurrence in Great Basin communities? UNH Graduate Research Conference (Talk).
Guptill, J.L.*, B.A. Kohli and R.J. Rowe. April 2017. Testing the utility of cranial morphology in refining diet group classifications of rodents. UNH Undergraduate Research Conference (Poster).
Kohli, B.A. March 2017. Determining mechanisms of small mammal co-occurrence on mountainsides. UNH NREN Department Seminar (Talk).
Kohli, B.A., E.A. Rickart, and R.J. Rowe. January 2017. Small mammal community assembly along elevational gradients: insights from a functional perspective on co-occurrence patterns. International Biogeography Society, Tucson, Arizona (Talk).
Kohli, B.A., E.A. Rickart, and R.J. Rowe. June 2016. Temporal patterns of species co-occurrence along a climate and habitat gradient. American Society of Mammalogists, Minneapolis, Minnesota (Talk).
Rapier, B.C., J.L. Malaney, B.A. Kohli, M.A. Hobbs, L.P. Smith, and M.D. Matocq. June 2016. New records and two possible local extinctions from a sky island in the Great Basin. American Society of Mammalogists, Minneapolis, Minnesota (Poster).
Kohli, B.A. June 2013. Phylogeography of a Holarctic rodent (Myodes rutilus): Testing high-latitude biogeographic hypotheses and the dynamics of range shifts. American Society of Mammalogists, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Annie M. Alexander Award Talk).
Kohli, B.A., V.B. Fedorov, and J.A. Cook. July 2012. Range-wide phylogeography of a Holarctic mammal: Testing high-latitude biogeographic hypotheses. First Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (Poster).
Kohli, B.A., V. B. Fedorov, and J.A. Cook. June 2012. A novel biogeographic pattern for a Holarctic mammal revealed by the range-wide phylogeography of Clethrionomys rutilus. American Society of Mammalogists, Reno, Nevada (Talk).
Speer, K.A.*, B.A. Kohli, N. Batsaikhan, D. Damdinbaza, and J.A. Cook. June 2012. Clarifying the diversity of montane voles (Genus: Alticola) in Mongolia. American Society of Mammalogists, Reno, Nevada (Poster).
Kohli, B.A. April 2012. Divide and conquer: How red-backed voles came to rule the North. UNM Biology Department Seminar (Talk).
Speer, K.A.*, B.A. Kohli, and J.A. Cook. March 2012. Clarifying the diversity of montane voles (Genus: Alticola) in Mongolia. UNM Biology Department Research Day. (Poster).
Kohli, B.A. May 2010. Stock structure of hatchery and native muskellunge. Ohio University Student Research Expo (Poster).
Kohli, B.A. and M.W. White. February 2010. Stock structure of hatchery and native muskellunge. Ohio Fish and Wildlife Conference, Columbus, Ohio (Poster).
Kohli, B.A. July 2009. Should I stay or should I go?: Factors that influence anadromy versus residency in central California coastal salmonids. NOAA Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship Program symposium, NMFS Division (Talk).